Behind every Soldier is a woman who stands beside him, supports him, and loves him with all her heart. <3

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 12- Gumball Machine Candy Pot

LOVE these. I saw these on a page on fb selling these for $30!! Crazy since you can make them yourself for less than $10! You can also give them out as gifts, or make them your own for decorations!! This tutorial is from

 I wanted to do it in a color that I could use for multiple holidays, but my obsession with red & turquoise won out. I still think it can work for a lot of things though, especially if I switch the ribbon out. It is very simple and cheap to's how you can make one too!
I picked up all of my supplies at Hobby Lobby. This is what you need:
  • clay pot
  • base to clay pot - (Not the same size as the pot. This needs to be the right size so that it will sit on top of the fishbowl.)
  • fishbowl jar
  • paint color of your choice
  • foam brush
  • E6000 glue
  • wooden knob
  • ribbon of choice
  • glitter & Elmer's glue (optional)
  • vinyl or stickers to embellish jar (optional)
1. Paint your pot, the lid, and the wooden knob. I did a couple of coats to get good solid coverage.
2. Once the pot is dry, turn it upside down and use E6000 to glue the fishbowl to the pot.
3. Use a dab of the E6000 to glue the knob to the bottom of the clay pot base.
4. Optional: I also glittered the lid. To do this, just spread Elmer's glue on the inner part of the lid and cover with glitter.
4. Allow a few hours for the items to dry completely, then tie on the ribbon of your choice. You can also cut out a fun phrase with vinyl using your Cricut or stickers would also work if you'd like to embellish the jar.
5. Fill the jar with candy and top with the lid...that's it!
Wouldn't these also be fun to make for a birthday party or baby shower? Such fun decorations for very cheap!

1 comment:

  1. Military pilot who had sex with an 11 year old boy when he was 17 year-old virgin!!!
    A JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL WHO HAD SEX WITH AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT!!! He needs to be on a sexual preditor list.
    How long did he masterbate and think about having sex with this pre-pubescent child? In boot camp? Into his flight training? 20, 25 YEARS OLD??? OLDER???
    "Creepy rotten grape attached to an otherwise normal bunch."
    He was never was very smart. He didn't figure out how prostitution worked until he was in the military:::
    You don't want to pay someone to LET you suck HIS dick. You should have waited for the child to suck YOUR dick before you let him drive your car.
